Vintage Rose Orange

Ali + Terrie: Vintage Rose Wedding


second shot for Heidi Bolles

second shot for Heidi Bolles

The day was all about these two and everyone knew it. They didn't have a wedding party, but they did have a party full of their dearest and closest friends. Guests can make or break a wedding, but hot dang their guests made their wedding! It was a total dance party and everyone was so happy, talkative and ready to celebrate these two. 

I second shot this wedding for Heidi Bolles. As a second shooter, you're typically there to make sure all details and cocktail hour are covered, sometimes groom prep if the getting ready times overlap. My main job was to cover details, which you'll see loads of throughout this blog post. I also made sure to get the groom greeting all of his guests as well as cocktail hour - people mingling and gathering groups together.


The Vintage Rose wedding photographer, SoCal wedding photographer, Southern California wedding photographer, Vintage Rose wedding, OC wedding photographer, Orange County wedding photographer